behind my smile; what do you really see?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
i don't want to go wisma tmrw and i heard from travis there will be midnight sale?
darn. dread. whatever word can be use.
enough of that.
it totally turn me off.
i love my new lecturer.
went down to town after class.
the attendance for the day. =)
the day was shining brightly with all your laughter and joy. the night was lovely with all your company.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
i hate to see people smiling in front of one another whereby they lie or backstab one another.
anyway, i didn't do any homework today!
and. it's AISYA BIRTHDAY TODAY! =) happy birthday aisya.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
giving all the stupid comments.
making a big fuss over how fussy our customers are.
normally, i will be at the shop floor.
i will miss ALICIA calling me fat fat everyday.
i will miss AISYA saying " i slap you then you know!"
i will miss doing stupid handsign with RUZ.

i will miss DEEDAT doing the walking down the steps action and his unique signature.
school definitely sucks a big time.
lots of stuffs not done. i guess i gonna get some scolding
Sunday, January 21, 2007
in a few hours time i need to get up to go work again.
last day at sun tec.
something that i did for them.
alicia's one is not up there cos she will always be different from others.
just a small card.
hope everything will be fine later.
i guess i will be super emo.
who knows.
if tomorrow never comes..
Friday, January 19, 2007
used some crappy photos to keep my blog alive.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
its the 3th!
its the second year i don't need to wear school uniform.
time flies.
i kinda miss those day wearing uniform. =D
now i get to know blogger changed.
kinda slow eh.
work was fine.
cam whore while waiting for train and during the 3 stops.
all thanks to me! =)
i love my new phone.
though i love V3i, the messaging part sucks a big time =P
W850i is not a bad one.
anyway, i got such a bad response man.
i guess the outcome is not going to be good.
dread. =(
working in the morning shift.
after that will be the meet up.
school is starting soon.
i hate school even though i love the ass-es company.
fairytales are so unreal and dreams that you dreamt of will never become reality.
what you see and what you hear is always different.
i lost all my faith and trust. tell me where should i head and who should i trust.
it's all gone.